Developing alternative healthcare services in the youth care sector

Realized in The Netherlands

Developing alternative healthcare services in the youth care sector

We have developed a business case for shifting from residential to outpatient youth care. This project drew upon all of our knowledge, skills and creativity in the areas of transformation, budgeting and organising.

The Challenge

The commissioning client provides specialised youth care for a group of clients with multiple, complex support needs.  This client has a vision and ambition that involves reducing the number of young people in residential facilities, and developing alternative healthcare services close to where the young people live, go to school and have their friends.

The Approach

Together with the healthcare professionals and ‘financials’, Rebel developed a business case that clearly outlined this shift, along with a solid, long-term budgetary calculation. As a result, the client now knows exactly what funding is necessary to achieve the desired alternative healthcare services, the time frame in which the transformation could be implemented, and the financial impact it would have on the whole organisation.

The vision and ambition were also translated into concrete prospective actions, bringing the transformation of youth care one step closer.


Development of a business case for the transformation of youth care.